Friday, 21 June 2013

New Media Design & Web Development [Term 4 Review]

Term 4 had a lot less courses compared to the other term so the general feel of it is rather different.  Courses were longer than usual since there's less courses in total; workload wasn't high since the main focus on 4th term was the practicum.

Difficulty level -      - easy ,          - medium ,               - difficult

Portfolio 2         
course detail:

Won't be going into deep details with this since it's basically portfolio 1 + some extra work, the only thing I had to do for this entire course was a print portfolio, but in the end we didn't even need to print it so it felt out of place.

Trendsetters -     
course detail:

A course dedicated to create, follow, and track trends, or in other words predict the future.  Mainly consisting of lectures - quiz - test and a presentation, this was a breeze, not much to comment, wasn't worried about it since it was real easy.

Web Marketing        
course detail:

Web Marketing teaches you how to promote yourself on the web, I didn't feel like this is anything new since we been working on this since term 2 if I recall.  There were some quiz and tests here and there but it wasn't that bad.  I don't believe there was anything else besides lectures / quiz / tests.  

Enterprise for New Media    
course detail:

I think of this as accounting since I took accounting before, a lot of the material here is essentially the same.  This course also teaches you many aspects on how to start and maintain a business; this is pretty much the easiest course in the entire program, you literally just had to come to class and do group presentations each day and that will give you 70% if I recall.  Other 30% consisted of a exam/test that was pretty easy despite not paying attention in class.

Web Scripting 3 -              
course detail:

Continuation of web scripting 1 and 2, god this course was tiring, not only was it like 5 hours straight programming, the pace was really quick and a lot had to be covered.  We personally didn't get any assignments for this course and I felt like the lectures alone are killer enough.  Do pay attention in this course if you are interested in web since you will easily get lost if you lose track of the instructor.  

Career Preparation        
course detail:

Needless to say this is about career prep, how to be better socially and networking yourself with others, as well as improving interviewing techniques and how to approach jobs.  Really important course if you want to start working soon so do pay attention.  Some group work involved as well, forgot exactly what it was. 

course detail:

This is basically BCIT's way of go find a internship so you can get first hand work experience, and with good luck you may even score a job.  It would've been the worse if the instructor didn't have some plan to give a practicum for students that's unable to find a internship themselves, there was a backup plan but it was pretty bad overall.  

Basically half or more than half the class just got a client or two for the practicum, the overall experience was pretty shitty for working with clients and the rest of the class found some good opportunities to get experience at an actual company in the related field.  

I had a client for my practicum and it was bad, real bad, my client is somebody who my instructor knew and wanted a website, sounds easy?.  Having no knowledge of actually using the website I would make for said client is not easy to work with, the client didn't even have web hosting.  I could've either made a website for the client to set up or I can help the client get it up and running as well, in the end it sort of worked out but it was pretty bad working with my first client in this field.

It wouldn't sound so bad if it was paid work, but this is free working for "experience" for 90 hours minimum.  
so if you decide to take this program get a good internship somewhere or regret it.  

We were told that the practicum will be the most important part of the program right when it started since if you fail any courses, you wouldn't be able to do the practicum and complete this program, which is bs since the practicum is literally pointless if you don't score a job with it.  This experience isn't needed at all since if you're from high school, you would've had to do some work experience, and if you are coming in from a different field, I'm sure you would've at least had some work experience before.  

Anyway that's all for now, I'm going to do another blog about the entire program as a whole later, hope you got a feel of what's it like if you are considering applying to this program.  

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